Monday, April 23, 2012

Free Piccing Dress

This works even for those who have signed up for the previous dress, AKA the red dress.
If you are from the US, log in and follow the instructions below, just don't use a proxy. If you are from anywhere else, you will need to use a proxy (it works better using one, but you can always try without one, instructions below) :
1. Click here.
2. Log into your Stardoll account.
3. Since I tried testing this link on several accounts and, sadly, couldn't work without a proxy, click the Green Sign Up Here! button.
4. You should be redirected to the Piccing site, where a sign-up form has been prepared with your username on it. If your username is NOT on the sign-up sheet, try clicking the button again. It will only work with your username on it.
5. You can choose between signing up manually or signing up using your Twitter or Facebook account. If you choose to sign up manually, remember to register a fake but possible email, such as
6. Once you are done signing up, a menu of photos should appear. Close the tab/window.
7. The dress should be in a Piccing bag in your suite.